Freedica Forum 1 topic

Welcome to our Freedica Forum! 
This is the place to ask questions about using Freedica. To ask a question on this forum... First, if you have not already done so, register for our website. This is different from registering for our social network. To register, go to MEMBER SIGNUP If you are already registered, click Login and type in your user name and password. Second, choose one of the forum categories below. Third, to start a new topic, click on NEW TOPIC. Fourth, give your question a Subject Heading. Then type your question into the Editor, then click Submit. It may take a few days to get a reply as we monitor this forum about once a week. If you need an immediate answer, email our forum administrator, David Spring
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This is where we will post announcements related to Freedica.
Welcome to our Freedica Forum!
by D_Spring
1 year 7 months ago
This is where you can post questions that do not fit in any of our more specific categories!
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This is where you can post questions related to our Members Tips instructions.
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This is where you can post questions related to our Admin Tips instructions.
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This is where you can post questions related to the appearance and customization of your Freedica network.
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This is where you can post links to your Freedica Network!
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